You are welcome!

Q:  What is it like?  

A:  Grace Church is part of The Episcopal Church.  We are inclusive, progressive, yet also traditional in some ways.  The priest will be wearing vestments. We have a robed choir and hymns at our 10am service.  The 8am service does not have any music. We are the "via media," the middle way, between Catholic and Protestant. We value and encourage questions and discourse.  At 9:15am we hold a Pastor's Forum to which all are welcome, where we discuss the day's scripture readings over a cup of coffee or tea, fruit and sweet treats.  On Sundays during the summer months, June through August, the 8am and 10am congregations come together for one Eucharist service at 9:00am, with refreshments in the Parish Hall afterwards, followed by the Pastor's Forum from 10:30 - 11:30am. 

Q:  What about my kids?  

A:  Children are welcome in the worship space.  We have a Children's Corner with books and coloring materials, and room for their adults to sit with them.  The minister will give a special talk to the children and include them wherever possible.  Children learn best from their grown-up's example of how to worship. 

Q:  Where do I park?  

A:  We have a parking lot on the corner of First and Kentucky Streets, plus there is plenty of street parking. 

Q:  What do I wear?  

A:  People wear what they are comfortable with wearing.  Some people dress up, some people are casual. 

Q:  How can I get connected?  

A:  When you come to Grace, speak with an usher who will help you with all you need for the service.  You may fill in a Welcome Card with your contact details.  Speak with people before and after the service, and during "the Peace" which is in the middle of the service.  We have ministries, outreach, and formation that you can take part in.